Monday, March 22, 2010


In the process of clearing away some of the trees right next to the old log cabin, we generated quite a few tree branches that needed to be burned. We took advantage of the wet weather and decided to have a burn pile.

Despite the fact that the burn pile was quite a distance from anything else that could burn, and despite the fact that it had rained on and off for a couple of days, we still were very careful to keep the fire under control.

About 10 PM last night, I ventured outside to check it out to make sure it was settling down for the night so we could do the same. Once I could see the orange of the smoldering flame, I stopped and turned off my headlamp to enjoy the scene. Shortly after doing so I heard something. Thunder? I wondered. No couldn’t be that. Then I heard it again. A very low sound, just like a…… bear! Quickly, I turned and headed for the house, not waiting to confirm or deny my suspicions.

I cannot say for certain it was a bear, but nor can I think of a better explanation. If it was a bear, it was obvious he was giving me a firm but polite warning, and a reminder that we don’t live out in the wilderness alone.

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