Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rebuilding the Duncan Cabin

We are fascinated with the history of Glencanaan. We love that it HAS a history! It is common that we find reminders that homesteaders have occupied this place for well over a century. One of the more obvious reminders is the log cabin. Bob Duncan, who grew up on this property about 70 years ago, tells us that his grandfather built the cabin in the late 1800's.

Several years ago we had a heavy snow year and the roof collapsed. We hoped to repair the roof and the rest of the cabin ourselves, but quickly realized that it required more skill, patience and equipment than we possessed.

Last week the crew started the complete rebuilding of the cabin. The first step is to un-build it. After thoroughly cleaning the logs, each log was labeled, removed and stacked. Right now they are excavating for a full foundation.

Stay tuned for more news!

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